
  • 姓    名:

  • 国    籍:

  • 性    别:

  • 年    龄:

  • 学    历:

    Masters Degree
  • 工作经验:

    11-20 years
  • 工作性质:

  • 所在地区:

  • 希望工作地点:

  • 希望薪金:

  • ( 积分14) 所在地: 深圳


Academic Employee (Erasmus-Coordinator)
International School of Management (ISM) Dortmund | 03/2001 – 08/2007
Employee in student services and study organization, responsible for planning and coordination of three-month project placements, organization of events for the presentation of project internships in front of professors and fellow students, information on experiences and results of the projects.
From 05/2003: in the course of the extension of the International Office change in the International Office to a newly created position. Responsible for development, supervision and care of the cooperation network of the ISM, responsible for diversification of the European partner network. Supervision and function as contact person and coordinator for foreign students as well as supervision of foreign lecturers. Coordination of Erasmus programs and budgetary responsibility for all Erasmus fellowships. Conference preparations and visits, frequent visits by partner institutions and representation of the university at international trade fairs and conferences. Student counselling for stays abroad and for funding opportunities. During several years Erasmus-Coordinator of the institution, later appointed as "Manager European Development".
Courses and Assistance of the course director: own lectures and workshops, e.g. "Business Basics of Tourism", every semester "Urban Spaces of Tourism & Leisure / Urban and Regional Planning", participation in various workshops, teaching events and lectures at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

  • janey的其它人才资料
  • Martin
    国籍:Germany       求职意向: 教育教学类
    学历:Masters Degree       期望薪资:15000-20000RMB
    到岗:一个月以内       意向地点: 最好在Guangzhou